Structura rutiera pentru autostrada Sebes Turda a fost dimensionata pe μετάφραση - Structura rutiera pentru autostrada Sebes Turda a fost dimensionata pe Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Structura rutiera pentru autostrada

Structura rutiera pentru autostrada Sebes Turda a fost dimensionata pentru o perioada de perspectiva de 15 ani (2013-2028) si prevederea unei ranforsari cu straturi asfaltice pentru urmatorii 15 ani (2028-2043).
În urma acestei dimensionari a rezultat urmatoarea structura rutiera
- 4 cm mixtură asfaltică stabilizată MAS16
- 6 cm beton asfaltic deschis cu criblură BAD25
- 10 cm anrobat bituminos AB25
- 25cm balast stabilizat cu lianti hidraulici
- 30 cm balast
- 20 cm strat de forma stabilizat cu lianti
Structura rutiera adoptata pentru restabilire drum national/drum judetean:
- 4 cm mixtură asfaltică stabilizată MAS16
- 6 cm beton asfaltic deschis cu criblură BAD25
- 6 cm anrobat bituminos AB25
- 25cm balast stabilizat cu lianti hidraulici
- 30 cm balast
- 20 cm strat de forma stabilizat cu lianti
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
turda sebes motorway road structure has been designed for a 15-year perspective (2013-2028) and providing an asphalt reinforcement layer for the next 15 years (2028-2043).
Following this result the following structure sizing road
- 4 cm asphalt mixture stabilized mas16
- 6 cm open asphalt chippings bad25
- 10 cm bituminous anrobat AB25
- 25cm ballast stabilized with binders
ballast 30 cm - 20 cm layer of binder
form stabilized road structure adopted for restoring national road / road county:
- 4 cm asphalt mixture stabilized mas16
- 6 cm open asphalt with chippings bad25
- 6 cm bituminous anrobat AB25
- 25cm ballast stabilized with binders
Ballast 30 cm - 20 cm layer of stabilized as binders
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
The road structure for Highway Traverse City Marshal was sized for a 15-year perspective (2013-2028) and the introduction of asphalt layers with reinforcements for the next 15 years (2028-2043).
dimensionari the resulting road structure
-4 cm mixture stabilized and asphaltic rock 6 cm
-MAS16 asphalt with chippings BAD25
anrobat-10 cm-25 cm
AB25 shale ballast stabilised with hydraulic binders
ballast 30 cm-20 cm layer of stabilised form with binders
road Structure adopted for the restoration of national road/County Road:
-4 cm mixture stabilized and asphaltic rock 6 cm
-MAS16 asphalt with chippings BAD25
6 cm anrobat-AB25-25 cm
shale ballast stabilised with hydraulic binders
-30 cm
-20 cm ballast layer with stabilized shape
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
Road structure for highway Sebes Turda was sized for a period of perspective for 15 years (2013-2028) and provision for a bracing with a layer surface for the next 15 years (2028-2043) .
as a result of this motor dimension is a result structure following road
- 4 cm asphalt surfacing has stabilised MAS16
- 6 cm asphalt concrete open with pebbles BAD25
- 10 CM anrobat bitumen AB25
- 25cm ballast stabilized with hydraulic binders
- 30 cm ballast
- 20 cm layer of form stabilised with binders
road structure adopted to restore national road/county road:
- 4 cm asphalt surfacing stabilised MAS16
- 6 cm asphalt concrete open with pebbles BAD25
- 6 cm anrobat bitumen AB25
- 25cm ballast stabilized with hydraulic binders
- 30 CM ballast
- 20 cm layer of form stabilised with binders
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